How to Build Docker Images for Beginners

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In this article, you will learn to build a Docker image from scratch, and deploy and run your application as a Docker container using Dockerfile

As you know Docker is a tool for packaging, deploying, and running applications in lightweight containers.

Dockerfile Explained

The very basic building block of a Docker image is a Dockerfile

Dockerfile is a simple text file with instructions and arguments. Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions given in a Dockerfile.

In a Dockerfile Everything on left is INSTRUCTION, and on right is an ARGUMENT to those instructions. Remember that the file name is "Dockerfile" without any extension.

The following table contains the important Dockerfile instructions and their explanation.

Dockerfile InstructionExplanation
FROMTo specify the base image which can be pulled from a container registry( Docker hub, GCR, Quay, ECR, etc)
RUNExecutes commands during the image build process.
ENVSets environment variables inside the image. It will be available during build time as well as in a running container. If you want to set only build-time variables, use ARG instruction.
COPYCopies local files and directories to the image
EXPOSESpecifies the port to be exposed for the Docker container.
ADDIt is a more feature-rich version of the COPY instruction. It also allows copying from the URL that is the source and tar file auto-extraction into the image. However, usage of COPY command is recommended over ADD. If you want to download remote files, use curl or get using RUN.
WORKDIRSets the current working directory. You can reuse this instruction in a Dockerfile to set a different working directory. If you set WORKDIR, instructions like RUNCMDADDCOPY, or ENTRYPOINT gets executed in that directory.
VOLUMEIt is used to create or mount the volume to the Docker container
USERSets the user name and UID when running the container. You can use this instruction to set a non-root user of the container.
LABELIt is used to specify metadata information of Docker image
ARGIs used to set build-time variables with key and value. the ARG variables will not be available when the container is running. If you want to persist a variable on a running container, use ENV.
CMDIt is used to execute a command in a running container. There can be only one CMD, if multiple CMD there then it only applies to the last one. It can be overridden from the Docker CLI.
ENTRYPOINTSpecifies the commands that will execute when the Docker container starts. If you don’t specify any ENTRYPOINT, it defaults to /bin/sh -c. You can also override ENTRYPOINT using the --entrypoint flag using CLI.

Build Docker Image Using Dockerfile

In this section, you will learn to build a docker image using a real-world example. We will create an Nginx docker image from scratch with a custom index page.

Follow the steps given below to build a docker image.

Note: The Dockerfile and configs used for this article is hosted on a Docker image examples Github repo. You can clone the repo for reference.

Step 1: Create the required Files and folders

Create a folder named nginx-image and create a folder named files

mkdir nginx-image && cd nginx-image
mkdir files

Create a .dockerignore file

touch .dockerignore

Step 2: Create a sample HTML file & Config file

When you build a docker image for real-time projects, it contains code or application config files.

For demo purposes, we will create a simple HTML file & config file as our app code and package it using Docker. This is a simple index.html file. You can create your own if you want.

Create a index.html file

vi index.html

Copy the following contents to the index.html and save the file.

    <div class="container">
      <h1>My App</h1>
      <h2>This is my first app</h2>
      <p>Hello everyone, This is running via Docker container</p>

create a file name default

vi default

Copy the following contents to the default file.

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html index.htm;

    server_name _;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

The folder & file structure would look like the following.

├── Dockerfile
└── files
    ├── default
    └── index.html

Step 3: Choose a Base Image

We use FROM commands in the Dockerfile which instructs Docker to create an image based on other images which are available on the Docker hub or any container registry configured with Docker. We call it a base image.

Choosing a base image depends on our application and os platform of choice. In our case, we will pick the ubuntu:18.04 base image.

Note: Always use offical base images for your applications to avoid potential vulnerabilities. Towards the end, we have added all the public registries that has verified container base images. Also, when it comes to production use cases, always use a minimal base image like alpine (just 5 Mib) or distroless images. Distroless alpine is just 2 MiB

Step 3: Create the Dockerfile

Here’s the simple Dockerfile for our use case.

LABEL maintainer="[email protected]"
FROM ubuntu:18.04   
RUN  apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install nginx
COPY files/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
COPY files/index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
CMD ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Here’s the explanation of each step:

  1. With LABEL instruction, we are adding metadata about the maintainer. It is not a mandatory instruction.
  2. FROM instruction will pull the Ubuntu 18.04 version Image from the Docker hub.
  3. In the second line, we’re installing Nginx.
  4. Then we’re copying the Nginx default config file from the local files directory to the target image directory.
  5. Next, we’re copying our index.html file from the local files directory into the target image directory. It will overwrite the default index.html file created during the Nginx installation.
  6. We’re exposing port 80 as the Nginx service listens on port 80.
  7. At last, we’re running the Nginx server using CMD instructions when the Docker image launches.

For Docker containers, the daemon off; directive tells Nginx to stay in the foreground. It disables the self-daemonizing behaviour of Nginx. the -g option specifies a directive to Nginx.

The reason we run the process in the foreground is to attach the console process to standard input, output, and error.

Step 4: Build your first Docker Image

Now, we will build our image using the Docker command. The below command will build the image using Dockerfile from the same directory.

docker build -t nginx:1.0 .
  1. -t is for tagging the image.
  2. nginx is the name of the image.
  3. 1.0 is the tag name. If you don’t add any tag, it defaults to the tag named latest.
  4. . means, we are referring to the Dockerfile location as the docker build context.

If the Dockerfile is in another folder then you need to specify it explicitly.

docker build -t nginx /path/to/folder 

Now, we can list the images by using this command.

docker images

We can see the tag is 1.0 here. If we want to put a specific tag we can put it like this image-name:<tag>. If you don’t specify any tag, it defaults to latest tag.

docker build -t nginx:2.0 .

A single image can have multiple tags. There are two approaches we generally follow to tag the image:

  1. Stable Tags – We can continue to pull a specific tag, which continues to get updates. Our tags are always constant, but the image content is changed.
  2. Unique Tags – We use a different and unique tag for each image. There are different ways to provide unique tags for example date-time stamp, build number, commit id, etc.

Note: When it comes to prodcution, a recomended docker image tagging method is semantic versioning (Semver).

Docker caches the build steps. So if we build the image again the process will move a little faster. For example, it will not download the ubuntu 18.04 image again.

Step 5: Test the Docker Image

Now after building the image we will run the Docker image. The command will be

docker run -d -p 9090:80 --name webserver nginx:1.0 


  1. -d flag is for running the container in detached mode
  2. -p flag for the port number, the format is local-port:container-port
  3. --name for the container name, webserver in our case

We can check the container by using the below command

docker ps

Now in the browser, if you go to http://<host-ip>:9090, you can see the index page which displays the content in the custom HTML page we added to the docker image.

Push Docker Image To Docker Hub

To push our Docker image to the Docker hub, we need to create an account in the Docker hub.

Post that, execute the below command to log in from the terminal. It will ask for a username and password. Provide the Docker hub credentials.

docker login

After login, we now need to tag our image with the docker username as shown below.

docker tag nginx:1.0 <username>/<image-name>:tag

For example, here devopscube is the dockerhub username.

 docker tag nginx:1.0 devopscube/nginx:1.0

Run docker images command again and check the tagged image will be there.

Now we can push our images to the Docker hub using the below command.

docker push devopscube/nginx:1.0

Now you can check this image will be available in your Docker Hub account.

Using heredoc With Dockerfile

Dockerfile also supports heredoc syntax. If we have multiple RUN commands then we can use heredoc syntax as shown below.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y nginx

Also, let’s say you want to execute a python script from a Dockerfile, you can use the following syntax.

RUN python3 <<EOF
with open("/hello", "w") as f:
    print("Hello", file=f)
    print("World", file=f)

You can also use the heredoc syntax to create a file. Here is an Nginx example.

FROM nginx

COPY <<EOF /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
    <div class="container">
      <h1>My App</h1>
      <h2>This is my first app</h2>
      <p>Hello everyone, This is running via Docker container</p>

Dockerfile Best Practices

Some of the Dockerfile practices which we should follow:

  1. Use a .dockerignore file to exclude unnecessary files and directories to increase the build’s performance.
  2. Use trusted base images only and keep updating the images periodically.
  3. Each instruction in the Dockerfile adds an extra layer to the Docker image. Minimize the number of layers by consolidating the instructions to increase the build’s performance and time.
  4. Run as a Non-Root User to avoid security breaches.
  5. Reduce the image size for faster deployment and avoid installing unnecessary tools in your image. Use minimal images to reduce the attack surface.
  6. Use specific tags over the latest tag for the image to avoid breaking changes over time.
  7. Avoid using multiple RUN commands as it creates multiple cacheable layers which will affect the efficiency of the build process.
  8. Never share or copy the application credentials or any sensitive information in the Dockerfile. If you use it, add it to .dockerignore
  9. Use EXPOSE and ENV commands as late as possible in Dockerfile.

Possible Docker Build Issues

  1. If there is a syntax error or an invalid argument in Dockerfile, docker build command will fail with an error message. Correct the syntax to resolve this.
  2. Always try to give the container name using docker run command otherwise Docker automatically assigns a name to the container and it might lead to several problems.
  3. Sometimes we get Bind for failed: port is already allocated error, this is because some other software/service is using these ports. We can check the listening ports using netstat or ss command. Use a different port to resolve this or stop that service.
  4. Sometimes Docker failed to download the packages with this error Failed to download package <package-name>. This is because the container may not be able to access the internet or other dependencies issues.

Docker Image Registries

As mentioned in step 1, you should always choose verified official base images for your application.

The following table has the list of publicly available container registries where you can find officially verified base images and application images.

RegistryBase Images
DockerDocker hub base images
Google CloudDistroless base images
AWSECR public registry
Redhat QuayQuay Registry

Docker Image Vs Containers

A Docker image is a snapshot of the file system and application dependencies. It is an executable package of software that includes everything needed like application code, libraries, tools, dependencies, and other files to run an application. You can compare it to a VM golden image.

A Docker image is organized in read-only layers stacked on top of each other.

A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image. We create VMs from VM images. Similarly way we create a container from a container image. When you create a container from a Docker image, you are creating a writable layer on top of the existing image layers.

The key difference between a Docker image and a container is the writable layer on top of the image. This means, if you have five containers running from an image, all the containers share the same read-only layers from the image and only the top writable layer is different for all five containers.

This means, when you delete the container, the writable layer gets deleted.

Images can exist without containers, whereas a container needs an image to run. We can create multiple containers from the same image, each with its own unique data and state.

Docker Image Build FAQs

How to use base images from container registries other than Docker hub?

By default docker, the docker engine is configured with the docker hub container registry. So if you mention the image name, it pulls the image from the docker hub. However, if you want to use an image from a different container registry, you need to provide the full URL of the image. For example, FROM

What is Docker build context?

Docker builds context is the docker host location where all the code, files, configs, and Dockerfile are present during the docker build process. You can specify the current build context using a dot [.] or the path of the folder. Also, you can have the Dockerfile in a different location than the build context. As a best practice, always have only the required files in the build context. Or else you will have unwanted files and a bloated Docker image.

How to build a Docker Image from a git repository?

You can use the docker build command with a git repository to build a docker image. The git repository should have the Dockerfile and required files for a successful image build.


In this article, we discussed how we can build a Docker Image and run our app as a Docker container using a Dockerfile.

We discussed Dockerfile it in detail and went through some good practices to write it.

As a DevOps engineer, it is very important to understand all the Docker best practices before implementing them on a project.